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News and Conferences

The latest news on restitution claims for cultural property and information on conferences organized by the Art-Law Centre and/or the Art-Law Foundation.

Volée, la fiche de paie de Calvin resurgit à New York

Volée, la fiche de paie de Calvin resurgit à New York

"Sotheby’s s’apprêtait à vendre aux enchères un document subtilisé il y a plus de cent ans aux Archives d’Etat. Genève a réussi à faire annuler la vente et tente de récupérer son bien."

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Building an art market for the future: Guidelines for Countering Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Threats

Building an art market for the future: Guidelines for Countering Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Threats

La Fondation pour le droit de l’art et le Centre du droit de l’art de l’Université de Genève, en collaboration avec d’autres partenaires, ont lancé une initiative à but non-lucratif visant à identifier les pratiques responsables dans le marché de l’art – The Responsible Art Market Initiative (« RAM »).

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Save the date! Conference on 26 January 2017 on Art & Money Laundering

The Art Law Foundation and the Art-Law Centre of the University of Geneva have launched a non-profit initiative aimed at identifying Responsible Art Market practices: the Responsible Art Market Initiative ("RAM"). The RAM Initiative and this first set of Guidelines will be launched at a seminar at Palexpo in Geneva on 26 January 2017, during the Artgenève art fair.

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Le code de déontologie de l’ICOM pour les musées, 1986-2016

Colloque international pour les 30 ans du code de déontologie de l’ICOM. Genève, 7 & 8 décembre 2016

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Risques et périls dans l’attribution des œuvres d’art

Risques et périls dans l’attribution des œuvres d’art

La Fondation pour le droit de l’art et le Centre universitaire du droit de l’art co-organisent le Mardi 8 novembre à Genève un colloque pluridisciplinaire sur l’attribution des œuvres d’art et ses enjeux juridiques.

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The UNESCO-ICPRCP and the Art-Law Centre enter into a partnership to consolidate the ArThemis database

The Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP) of UNESCO decides to establish a partnership with the Art-Law Centre of the University of Geneva in order to support and consolidate the ArThemis database.

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La Suisse et le Pérou signent un accord bilatéral révisé en matière de biens culturels

Le 12 juillet 2016, à Lima, la Ministre péruvienne de la culture Diana Alvarez Calderón Gallo et l’Ambassadeur de Suisse au Pérou Hans-Ruedi Bortis ont signé un accord bilatéral révisé en matière de transfert international de biens culturels.

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La Suisse remet cinq biens culturels archéologiques antiques à l’Italie

Le 11 juillet 2016, un fragment de fresque et quatre autres biens archéologiques datant du 6e siècle av. J.-C. ont été remis par la Suisse aux autorités italiennes.

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Historic Agreement between Italy and the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum

The Italian Ministry of Culture and the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum have entered into a far-reaching, cultural cooperation agreement which will safeguard and reinforce the academic exchange of archaeological objects between the Italian cultural world and the museum in Copenhagen.

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Second All Art and Heritage Law Conference

Second All Art and Heritage Law Conference

Second “All Art and Cultural Heritage Law” conference will take place at the University of Geneva on 24-25 June 2016.

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Ancient Statue Is Seized From Manhattan Gallery

Federal agents seized a sculpture that had been exhibited for sale during New York's Asia Week.

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Conférence Art Finance & Law

The Art Law Foundation will hold a third event of its series Art Finance & Law – Risks Rules and Opportunities in Art Investment / Risques, règles et opportunités dans les investissements en art.

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The #Unite4Heritage campaign is a global movement for the celebration and safeguarding of cultural heritage and diversity worldwide.

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Save the date: L'art et le blanchiment d'argent / Art and Money Laundering

Save the date: L'art et le blanchiment d'argent / Art and Money Laundering

Le traditionnel colloque international annuel se tiendra le vendredi 13 novembre 2015 à Genève sur le thème L’art & le blanchiment d’argent / The annual international conference will take place on Friday 13 November 2015 in Geneva and will focus on Art & Money Laundering.

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The #Unite4Heritage campaign builds support for the protection of heritage in areas where it is threatened by extremists.

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Summer School on International Cultural Heritage Law, 22 June - 3 July 2015

Summer School on International Cultural Heritage Law, 22 June - 3 July 2015

The summer school aims to develop the students’ awareness and general understanding of the main substantive themes of international cultural heritage law.

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Cloud Collections

Cloud Collections

Le colloque international "Cloud Collections. Aspects juridiques, scientifiques et techniques de la numérisation de l’art" organisé par SIK-ISEA et le Centre du droit de l'art (UNIGE) et aura lieu le 12 mars à Uni Mail et 13 mars au MEG.

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Civil Action Filed Against Germany for Restitution of Guelph Treasure

Nicholas O'Donnell has filed a civil action against the Federal Republic of Germany and the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz (the SPK, which is responsible the administration of the Berlin museums) in the United States District Court in Washington, DC.

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Lost Painting Attributed to Leonardo Seized from Swiss Bank Vault

Lost Painting Attributed to Leonardo Seized from Swiss Bank Vault

The portrait of Isabella d’Este, which Italian police have been trying to track down for over a year, was about to be sold for €120m

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Philanthropy and Art Law - Conference

Art donations to Museums: Comparative perspectives and Recommendations for Switzerland - Under the chairmanship of Professor Marc-André Renold, an international panel of specialists will present the legal frameworks of France, Switzerland and the United States concerning the art donations to museums. Presentations will be followed by a debate with practitioners and a discussion on strategies and possible guidelines that could be adopted in this field.

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