Selected Bibliography on Cultural Heritage Law and Dispute Settlement
- Chechi A., “Alternative Dispute Settlement Mechanisms”, in Francioni Francesco and Vrdoljak F. Ana (eds.), Oxford Handbook of International Cultural Heritage Law, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp. 718-736.
- Frigo M., “Methods and Techniques of Dispute Settlement in the International Practice of the Restitution and Return of Cultural Property”, Rivista di diritto internazionale private e processuale, 2017/3, pp. 569-598.
- O’Donnell N.M., A Tragic Fate, ABA Publishing, 2017.
- O’Keefe P.J., Protecting Cultural Objects: Before and After 1970, Institute of Art and Law, 2017.
- Titi C., “International Dispute Settlement in Cultural Heritage and in the Protection of Foreign Investment: Is Cross-Fertilization Possible?”, Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 2017, p. 535 ff.
- Van Beurden J., Treasures in Trusted Hands: Negotiating the Future of Colonial Cultural Objects, Sidestone Press, 2017.
- Hauser-Schäublin B. and Prott L.V. (eds.), Cultural Property and Contested Ownership: The Trafficking of Artefacts and the Quest for Restitution, Routledge, 2016.
- Salazar L.C. and Underhill A.P. (eds.), Finding Solutions for Protecting and Sharing Archaeological Heritage Resources, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
- Shehade M. and Kalliopi F., “The Politics of Culture and the Culture of Politics: Examining the Role of Politics and Diplomacy in Cultural Property Disputes”, International Journal of Cultural Property, 2016, p. 357 ff.
- Tasdelen A., The Return of Cultural Artefacts, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
- Tsirogiannis C., “False Closure? Known Unknowns in Repatriated Antiquities Cases”, International Journal of Cultural Property, 2016, p. 407 ff.
- Woodhead C., “Putting into Place Solutions for Nazi Era Dispossessions of Cultural Objects: The UK Experience”, International Journal of Cultural Property, 2016, p. 385 ff.
- Marek H.M., “Resolving the Dispute Between Two Innocents in Holocaust Restitution Cases”, Art Antiquity and Law, 2015, p. 337 ff.
- Roodt C. Private International Law, Art and Cultural Heritage, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015.
- Wantuch-Thole M., Cultural Property in Cross-Border Litigation, Deutsche National Bibliothek, 2015.
- Woodhead C., “Not Merely Symbolic Restitution: Constable’s Beaching A Boat, Brighton”, Art Antiquity and Law, 2015, p. 243 ff.
- Chechi A., The Settlement of International Cultural Heritage Disputes, Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Chechi A., “New Rules and Procedures for the Prevention and the Settlement of Cultural Heritage Disputes: A Critical Appraisal of Problems and Prospects”, in Lenzerini F., Vrdoljak A.F. (eds.), International Law for Common Goods – Normative perspectives on human rights, culture and nature, Hart Publishing, 2014, p. 249 ff.
- Papathanassiou A., “Monitoring the Implementation of the 1970 UNESCO Convention: Recent International and Quasi-Institutional Legal Developments”, Art Antiquity and Law, December 2014, p. 333 ff.
- Renold M.-A., Chechi A., “Just and Fair Solutions: An Analysis of International Practice and Trends”, in Campfens E. (ed.), Fair and Just Solutions? Alternatives to Litigation in Nazi Looted Art Disputes: Status Quo and New Developments, Eleven Publishing, 2014, p. 187 ff.
- Campfens E. (ed.), Fair and Just Solutions? Alternatives to Litigation in Nazi Looted Art Disputes: Status Quo and New Developments, Eleven International Publishing, 2014.
- Strother G., “Resolving Cultural Property Disputes in the Shadow of the Law”, Harvard Negotiation Law Review, Spring 2014, p. 337 ff.
- Woodhead C., “Redressing Historic Wrongs, Returning Objects to Their Rightful Owners or Laundering Tainted Objects? 21st Century UK Remedies for Nazi-Era Injustices”, International Journal of Cultural Property, 2014, p. 113 ff.
- Chechi A., “Plurality and Coordination of Dispute Settlement Methods in the Field of Cultural Heritage”, in Francioni et al. (eds.), Enforcing Cultural Heritage Law, Oxford University Press, 2013, p. 177 ff.
- Chechi A., “Evaluating the Establishment of an International Cultural Heritage Court”, Art Antiquity and Law, April 2013, p. 31 ff.
- Woodhead C., “Nazi Era Spoliation: Establishing Procedural and Substantive Principles”, Art Antiquity and Law, July 2013, p. 167 ff.
- O’Donnell T., “The Restitution of Holocaust Looted Art and Transitional Justice: The Perfect Storm or the Raft of the Medusa?”, European Journal of International Law, 2011, p. 49 ff.
- Cornu M., Renold M.-A., “Le renouveau des restitutions de biens culturels : les modes alternatifs de règlement des litiges”, Journal de droit international, No. 2, 2009, p. 493 ff.
- Nafziger J.A.R., Nicgorski A.M. (eds.), Cultural Heritage Issues: The Legacy of Conquest, Colonization, and Commerce, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2009.
- Prott L.V. (ed.), Witnesses To History – A Compendium of Documents and Writings on the Return of Cultural Objects, UNESCO 2009.
- Schönenberger B., The Restitution of Cultural Assets: Causes of Action – Obstacles to Restitution – Developments, Stämpfli 2009.
- Anglim Kreder J., “Reconciling Individual and Group Justice with the Need for Repose in Nazi-Looted Art Disputes: Creation of an International Tribunal”, Art Antiquity and Law, 2008, p. 243 ff.
- Francioni F., “A Dynamic Evolution of Concept and Scope: From Cultural Property to Cultural Heritage”, in Yusuf A.A. (ed.), Standard-Setting in UNESCO, Normative Action in Education, Science and Culture (Vol. I), Martinus Nijhoff and UNESCO Publishing 2007, p. 221 ff.
- Francioni F., “Au-delà des traités: l’émergence d’un nouveau droit coutumier pour la protection du patrimoine culturel”, Revue Générale de Droit International Public, 2007, p. 1 ff.
- Gazzini Fellrath I., Cultural Property Disputes: The Role of Arbitration in resolving non-contractual Disputes, Transnational Publishers 2004.
- von Schorlemer S., “UNESCO Dispute Settlement”, in Yusuf A.A. (ed.), Standard-Setting in UNESCO, Normative Action in Education, Science and Culture (Vol. I), Martinus Nijhoff and UNESCO Publishing 2007, p. 73 ff.
- Hoffman B.T. (ed.), Art and Cultural Heritage, Law, Policy and Practice, Cambridge University Press 2006.
- Vrdoljak A.F., International Law, Museums and the Return of Cultural Objects, Cambridge University Press 2006.
- Fitz Gibbon K. (ed.), Who Owns the Past?: Cultural Policy, Cultural Property, and the Law, Rutgers University Press 2005.
- Symeonides S.C., “A Choice-of-Law Rule for Conflicts Involving Stolen Cultural Property”, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 2005, p. 1177 ff.
- Gabus P., Renold M.-A. (éds.), La revendication des œuvres d’art spoliées, Etudes en droit de l’art, vol. 15, Schulthess 2004.
- International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, Resolution of Cultural Property Disputes, Peace Palace Papers, Volume VII, La Haye 2004.
- Nafziger J.A.R., “A Blueprint for Avoiding and Resolving Cultural Heritage Disputes”, Art Antiquity and Law, 2004, p. 3 ff.
- Kowalski W.W., “Restitution of Works of Art Pursuant to Private and Public International Law”, Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de Droit International, 2001, Vol. 288, p. 17 ff.
- Palmer N., “Repatriation and De-accessioning of Cultural Property: Reflections on the Resolution of Art Disputes”, Current Legal Problems, 2001, p. 477 ff.
- Gerstenblith P., “The Public Interest in the Restitution of Cultural Objects”, Connecticut Journal of International Law, 2000-2001, p. 197 ff.
- Palmer N., Museums and the Holocaust, Institute of Art and Law 2000.
- Shapiro D., “The Restitution of the Parthenon Marbles and the European Union: A Historical-Cultural-Legal Approach”, International Journal of Cultural Property, 2000, p. 354 ff.
- Byrne-Sutton Q., Geisinger-Mariéthoz F. (éds.), Resolution Methods for Art-related Disputes, Etudes en droit de l’art, vol. 11, Schulthess 1999.
- Byrne-Sutton Q., “Arbitration and Mediation in Art-Related Disputes”, Arbitration International, 1998, p. 447 ff.
- Byrne-Sutton Q., “Resolution Methods for Art-Related Disputes”, International Journal of Cultural Property, 1998, p. 249 ff.
- Kaye L.M., “Art Wars: The Repatriation Battle”, New York University International Journal of Law and Politics, 1998-1999, p. 79 ff.
- Palmer N. (ed.), The Recovery of Stolen Art, Kluwer 1998.
- Carducci G., La restitution internationale des biens culturels et des objets d’art volés ou illicitement exportés : droit commun, directive CEE, convention de l’UNESCO et d’UNIDROIT, L.G.D.J. 1997.
- Sidorsky E., “The 1995 Unidroit Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects: The Role of International Arbitration”, International Journal of Cultural Property, 1996, p. 19 ff.
- Merryman J.H., “A Licit International Trade in Cultural Objects”, International Journal of Cultural Property, 1995, p. 4 ff.
- Siehr K., “International Art Trade and the Law”, Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de Droit International, 1993-VI, Vol. 243, p. 9 ff.
- Prott L.V., “Problems of Private International Law for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage”, Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de Droit International, 1989-V, Vol. 217, p. 215 ff.
- Merryman J.H., “Two Ways of Thinking about Cultural Property”, American Journal of International Law, 1986, p. 831 ff.
- Bator P., “An Essay on the International Trade in Art”, Stanford Law Review, 1982, p. 275 ff.
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