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Dutch Museums Identify Looted Art

"Dutch museums have identified 139 pieces of art amongst their collections which may have been forcibly taken from Jewish owners."

"Dutch museums have identified 139 pieces of art amongst their collections which may have been forcibly taken from Jewish owners. They include a painting by Matisse and many others by Dutch artists, including impressionist Isaac Israels. The findings are the result of a four-year search, looking at art acquired by more than 400 institutions between 1933 and the present. A website has been set up to assist rightful heirs in making claims. The full list of the 139 artworks will be made available on a dedicated website from 16:00 on Tuesday, 29 October. Prospective owners, or their heirs, can then make a claim for the return of looted art from the Dutch Restitutions Committee."

BBC, 29 October 2013,

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