Vous êtes ici : Accueil / FAQs / How do I view the station's sensor values (CCD temperature for example)?

How do I view the station's sensor values (CCD temperature for example)?

At La silla or from Geneva with x2Go use:

glslogin1: meulplot




  • Meulplot display graph (lines or/and dots) by for different scale of time:
    • Between 2 dates (click "plot" when the dates are completely given )
    • Between 2 Unix time
    • Between 2 Unix time given by mouse click
    • According a scale menu
  • Use the "oneSensor" mode to display a graph and deleting the previous one.
  • Pulling an elastic rectangle down to the right provides a zoom; pulling an elastic rectangle to the left returns to the initial dates .
  • Allows to filter the data to see the trend (mode LowPassFilter)
  • Allows to correlate 2 sensors (mode Correlate)


meulplot_auto_adjust.png Adjust the end of the graph to the current time

meulplot_auto_plot.png Plot immediately at user request

meulplot_auto_scale.png Chose the scale automaticaly

meulplot_one_scale.png Plot one scale for all sensors

meulplot_one_sensor.png Plot one sensor at a time

meulplot_limits.png Display the limits of the alarm (show only one sensor)

meulplot_correlate.png Do the correlation with the two first sensors selected

Meulplot_menu_filtre.png Do a request of kind AVERAGE on the BDD, It is a powerful accelerator for displaying data over a large period of time.


Remarks: Be aware that Meulplot refreshes its database every 2 minutes.


LW 28/04/2020

Dimanche 12/12 07/01/2022
Lundi 13/12 07/01/2022
Mercredi 15/12 02/01/2022
Vendredi 17/12 16/12/2021
Jeudi 16/12 16/12/2021