How do I manually change the focus of the telescope?
The focusing is automatic, it is made by a system based on different temperatures measured on the tube of the telescope (autofocus) and acting on the position of the secondary mirror M2.
Manual changes are made in the prompter-T120.
The mirror can be positioned in an absolute manner
@m2p <absolute move>
or relative manner
@m2p [+|-]<relative move>
Attention, you must limit yourself to 1 parameter only because this command also allows you to modify the X-Y displacement and the X-Y tilts with parameters 2 to 5.
The nominal positions are
NECAM: $THOME/config/t120/applic/ecam/server.cfg te.m2zpdef = 25.408
CORALIE: $THOME/config/t120/applic/coralie/server.cfg te.m2zpdef = 32.250
The current focus can be extracted from the night log files with:
grep -a "best focus at" $TDATA/services/MAINTENANCE/log/2020-01-02/t120.*
LW 27/04/2020