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You are here: Home / History and documentation / Documentation / Sun observations / or Michelson experiment

Sun observations / or Michelson experiment

To observe the Sun with Telesto it is mandatory to put a cap and a filter in order to prevent the damage of the detector (the sun is too bright to observe it without protection).
The white cap is placed close to the ladder in the dome.

To install it :

  1. Place the ladder close to the telescope
  2. Remove the 4 butterfly screws shown in the picture
  3. Put the Sun filter (Mylar filter) or the Michelson masks in the cap
  4. Install the cap 
  5. Secure it with the 4 butterfly screws
IMG 20200615 090908 
IMG 20200916 133653
IMG 20200916 133515
There are 2 aperture available.
One is used to install a Mylar filter and can be used for example for the Michelson experiment.In the latter case a ring and spring can be used to secure the mask.
The other aperture with threads make it possible to install a Coronado Fabry-Perot. This is mechanically working but has not yet been validated on sky.