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General information

Instrument overview

TELESTO, short for TELEscope for Science, Teaching, and Outreach, is a reflective telescope named after a character from Greek mythology, symbolizing 'success'. The telescope stands as a collaborative effort between the Department of Astronomy at the University of Geneva and LASTRO at EPFL. The name of the building where TELESTO is installed is called ASTRODOME and it's close to the Astronomy department of the University of Geneva - 51b Chemin Pegasi, 1290, Versoix, Genève.
With a diameter of 60 cm and a focal ratio of 3.8, TELESTO offers various filters within the visible band, including Johnson-Cousins filters (U, V, B, V, R, I). Moreover, there is an automatic tracking systems for both the telescope and its dome. The telescope is equipped with a CCD detector with a resolution of approximately 0.8 arcsec/pixel. TELESTO is primarily controlled electronically via the Astrometric Telescope Control System (ATCS). This system facilitates connectivity between the PC, filter wheel, and camera. The observational interface is managed using the SkyX software.

Observations and information

Training on how to use the telescope

Ask to observe with Telesto


Instrument characteristics and documentation 



Other links

- Past Travaux pratiques (TP) of UNIGE and EPFL students can be found here
- To ask for a public visit at the Observatory click here

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