Vous êtes ici : Accueil / EULER schedule / Archive / Past Observing Runs / P111 / Euler / T120 / Swiss telescope run Casper Farret

Euler / T120 / Swiss telescope run Casper Farret

Casper FARRET JENTINK: Euler runs

1st run:

  • Arrival in Santiago on 12.09.2023 (AIR FRANCE 406)
  • Taxi, Santiago Airport to ESO Guesthouse 12.09.2023
  • Taxi, domestic flight, and ESO transportation: Santiago - La Silla on 13.09.2023
  • Stay at La Silla : 13.09.2023 – 26.09.2023
  • ESO transportation: La Silla – La Serena on 26.09.2023
  • ESO booked accommodation in La Serena 26.09.2023 - 28.09.2023

2nd run:

  • ESO transportation : La Serena  – La Silla on 28.09.2023
  • Stay at La Silla : 28.09.2023 – 06.09.2023
  • ESO transportation, domestic flight, and taxi:  La Silla – Santiago on 06.09.2023
  • Guesthouse: 1 night 06-07.09.2023
  • Taxi to Santiago airport: morning of 07.09.2023
  • Flight to San Jose, Costa Rica 07.09.2023 11:40 (COPA 498)