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Euler / T120 / Swiss telescope run Lokesh Mishra

(All times are local)

Plan for Runs14, 17+18 - Observer Lokesh Mishra
Date/Time Event Booked?
01.01.2023 Drive from Bern to Zurich Airport
Departure: 01.01.2023, Time: 07:40 PM
Arrival: 01.01.2023, Time: 10:05 PM
Flight SA 3471 from Zurich to Madrid Yes
Departure: 01.01.2023, Time: 11:35 PM
Arrival: 02.01.2023, Time: 08:55 AM
Flight SA7110 from Madrid to Santiago Yes
02.01.2023 Transport from Santiago airport to La Silla No
02.01.2023 (night) Stay at La Silla ?
03.01.2023 - 09.01.2023 Run 1 at La Silla ?
10.01.2023 Transport from La Silla to Santiago No
10.01.2023 - 19.01.2023 Holidays
20.01.2023 - 25.01.2023 Work + Stay at ESO Guesthouse No
25.01.2023 Transport from ESO Guesthouse to La Silla No
25.01.2023 (night) Stay at La Silla ?
26.01.2023 - 06.02.2023 Run 2 at La Silla ?
07.02.2023 Transport from La Silla to Santiago No
07.02.2023 (night) Stay at ESO Guesthouse No
08.02.2023 Transport from ESP Guesthouse to Santiago Airport No

Departure: 08.02.2023, Time: 09.20 PM
Arrival: 09.02.2023, Time: 01:55 PM

Flight SA 7109 from Santiago to Madrid Yes
Departure: 09.02.2023,
Time: 04:30 PM
Arrival: 09.02.2023,
Time: 06:55 PM
Flight SA 3474 from Madrid to Zurich Yes
09.02.2023 Drive from Zurich airport to Bern


Note 1 :  the bold lines have to be booked by ESO
Note 2 :  the invoice will be paid by the Geneva Observatory (Customer Nr ESO-CS000155)
                Accountant: Francoise Buchschacher  email : Francoise.Buchschacher@unige.ch