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Beckhoff operators

>				Greater than 
>=				Greater or equal 
=				Equal 
<				Less than 
<>				Not equal 
<=				Less or equal 
AND				Bitwise AND 
OR				Bitwise  OR 
XOR				Bitwise  exclusive OR 
NOT				Bitwise  NOT 
MUX(K, in0,.. in_n)		Selects the Kth value out of a group of values
SEL(G,in0,in1)			Bin. sel. btw in0 (G is FALSE) and in1 (G is TRUE)

Bitwise operations
in1 MOD in2			Modulo Division 
INDEXOF(in)			Internal index of POU in1; [INT] 
SIZEOF(in) 			Number of bytes required for given data type of in  
SHL(in,K)			Bitwise left-shift of operator in by K 
SHR(in,K)			Bitwise right-shift of operator in by K 
ROL(in,K)			Bitwise rotation to the left of operator in by K  
ROR(in,K)			Bitwise rotation to the right of operator in by K   

Math operations
ABS(in)				Absolute value of operand in 
SQRT(in)			Square root of operand in 
LN(in)				Natural logarithm of operand in 
LOG(in)				Logarithm of operand in, base 10 
EXP(in)				Exponential function of operand in 
SIN(in)				Sine of operand in 
COS(IN)				Cosine of operand in 
TAN(in)				Tangent of operand in 
ASIN(in)			Arc sine of operand in 
ACOS(in)			Arc cosine of operand in 
ATAN(in)			Arc tangent of operand in 
EXPT(in,expt)			Exponentation of operand in with expt  
MAX(in0,in1)			Returns the greater of 2 values 
MIN(in0,in1)			Returns the lesser of 2 values in0 and in1

Conversion operations
BOOL_TO_<type>(in)		Conv. of the boolean operand  
<type>_TO_BOOL(in)		Conv. to BOOL 
INT_TO_<type>(in)		Conv. of an INT Operand to another elementary type  
REAL_TO_<type>(in)		Conv. of an REAL operand to another elementary type  
LREAL_TO_<type>(in)		Conv. of a LREAL operand to another elementary type  
TIME_TO_<type>(in)		Conv. of a TIME operand to another elementary type  
TOD_TO_<type>(in)		Conv. of a TOD operand to another elementary type  
DATE_TO_<type>(in)		Conv. of a DATE operand to another elementary type  
DT_TO_<type>(in)		Conv. of a DT operand to another elementary type  
STRING_TO_<type>(in)		Conv. of a STRING operand to another elementary type  
TRUNC(in)			Conversion from REAL to INT 

String operations
LEN(in)				String length of operand in 
LEFT(str, size)			Left inital string of given size of string str 
RIGHT(str, size)		Right initial string of given size of string str 
MID(str, len, pos)		Partial string of str of given length 
CONCAT(str1, str2)		Concatenation of two subsequent strings standard.lib 
INSERT(str1, str2, pos)		Insert string str1 in String str2 at position pos 
DELETE(str1, len, pos)		Del. partial string (length len), start at pos of str1
REPLACE(str1,str2,len,pos)	Repl. part. str of len by str2, start at pos of str1  
FIND(str1, str2)		Search for partial string str2 in str1 

Timers and Counters
CTU				FB: Counts up 
CTD				FB: Counts down 
CTUD				FB: Counts up and down 
TP				FB: trigger 
TON				FB: on-delay timer 
TOF				FB: off-delay timer 

'				String delimiters (e.g. 'string')
^				Derefereced Pointer (e.g. pointer1^) 
LIMIT(Min,in,Max)		Limits the value range
ADR(in)				Address of the operand in [DWORD] 
RETURN				Leave POU and go back to caller 
EXIT                            Exit statement
SR				Bistable FB is set dominant 
RS				Bistable FB is set back 
SEMA				FB: Software Semaphor (interruptable) 
R_TRIG				FB: rising edge is detected 
F_TRIG				FB: falling edge is detected 
Dimanche 12/12 07/01/2022
Lundi 13/12 07/01/2022
Mercredi 15/12 02/01/2022
Vendredi 17/12 16/12/2021
Jeudi 16/12 16/12/2021
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