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2013/05/29_Réunion Didier Bruno

Concernant mes responsabilités de

Test focuser

  • I should do some test of the focuser, with small movements of 0.1mm and see if it works
  • It can be usefull to know if the focuser is able to move in any position of the camera


Ma responsabilité:

  • est de m'occuper du focuser
  • du shutter -> au chili
  • logistique -> trouver une entreprise pour envoyer tout le matos. pour ce faire, contact avec Michel Fleury, frais de douanes, location conteneur, avion-bateau. 2 tonnes de matos
  • Installation à Paranal
    • 3-4 phases
      • Béton: I will maybe have to set the right angle of the base
        (find the south direction with a stick and a theodolite)
      • Building: quality control of the building, to agree if it's all right. (la recette)
      • Wiring: