
Information about our switches Ip Power (PDU Power Distribution Unit)




To obtain the status: T_ippower_stat


The station contains 4 IpPowers:


Nom#IPLieuUsage (control de)
glsippower01 8 Rack Server
  1. Synology03 alim 1
  2. Synology03 alim 2
  3. Synology04 alim 1
  4. Synology04 alim 2
  5. glslogin1
  6. glslogin2
  7. free
  8. free
glsippower02 8 Rack LCU
  1. glscora (coralie)
  2. glspc20 (imager coralie)
  3. glsserv (service)
  4. glsecam (ecam)
  5. glspisco (pisco)
  6. Multiprises Nuc avec: glsdrs, glsaux, glsmonitor
  7. PC Twincat 2
  8. PC Twincat 3
glsippower03 8 SPARE
glsippower04 8 REM (embarqué)
  1. glstreg (t120 regulation)
  2. glstopt (t120 optique)
  3. lumiere dome
  4. free
  5. free
  6. free
  7. free
  8. free




IpPower are on UPS

The IpPower are configured so that after a power failure, the ports remain OFF. This case occurs when the UPS has drained its batteries..